MS power point

Title bar:-
        Title bar view user fill name.

Menu bar:-
         File, edit, view, insert, format, tools, slide show, window, help icon in the file menu all have
different used in power point presentation. power point presentation it's also called "ppt".

Standard toolbar:-
         it is used to access quickly menu in ppt.
  ex,. cut, copy, paste...

Formatting bar:-
      Formatting bar is used to format ppt.

Drawing bar:-
      drawing bar is used to draw lines, oval,etc,...



Sub Menu:-
     'Menu within menu is called sub menu'

     New is used to a new blank slide. it's short cut key is ctrl+N.

     open is used to open a old ppt. it's short cut key is ctrl+O.

    close is used to close ppt. it's short cut key is ctrl+w.

     Save is used to save ppt. it's short cut is ctrl+S.

Save As:-
     save as is used to save ppt different name.

Print Preview:- 
     print preview is used to view a ppt print.

      cut commend is used to cut ppt. it's short cut key is ctrl+x.

      copy commend is used to copy ppt. it's short cut key is ctrl+c.

       paste commend is used to paste ppt. it's short cut key is ctrl+v.


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