Computer fundamental

(1)   What is computer?

                   “Computer is a one type of electronic device that is done by mathematical scientific and logical operation.”

        How to start computer:-

                 First of all we need sufficient electricity to start computer then press start button in C.P.U than operating system will be booting and computer will be start.

Application of computer
*      Banks
*      Games
*      Accounting
*      Engineering
*      Scientific research
*      Business application
*      Entertainment
*      Communication
*      Medicine
*      Personal
*      Book publishing

(2)Why we used computer?   
Ans.   Computer is must be used now time in every sector for good speed and accuracy it is carry a lost of data and memory. Computer save our time and man power Computer has decries distance via internet. Using Internet we are contact each other any where. Computer doesn’t take any leave.

Characteristics of computer
*      Speed
*      Accuracy
*      Memory capacity
*      Concentration

Computer generation:-

1)      first generation computer:-

                         Duration 1942- 1955

       This is a first generation computer. it is used to vacuum tube in the first generation computer.

                     2) Second generation computer:-
                                          Duration 1955- 1964

               This is of second generation computer. This computer establish by William b. Shockley. It is used to transistor in the second generation computer. 

3) Third generation computer:-

               Duration  1964-1975

   This is of third generation computer. It is used to chip in the third generation computer.

4) Fourth generation computer:-
                              Duration:- 1975-1985

       This is of fourth generation computer. It is used to IC in the fourth generation computer.

5) Fifth generation computer:-

                Duration:- 1985 to.........

This is picture of fifth generation computer.


Component of computer:-

          All those part which are used to insert data in computer it’s called ‘input’.

Input device:-
                  Which parts of computer are used to insert data it’s called ‘input device.
  Ex. Key-board, mouse.

     Approximately 101 to 104 key in key board.
  • Function key:-

  • Alphabetical key:- A to Z

  • Numerical key :- 0 to 9

  • Special key:- Tab, Shift, Backspace, Enter, Esc

Cursor movement key / Arrow

 This is arrow keys. It is used to move arrow on the document like left, right, up, down. It is also used go for any where in document you want.



          Mouse is one type of input device. It used to open and close document and move to working aria.

              Monitor is one type of output device. It is used to see all the data that can be done by user. There is two type of monitor.
1)      CRT (cathode ray tube)


2) LCD ( liquid crystal display)


         Scanner is one type of input device. It is used to scan photos, document in electronic format.

Central Processing Unit (C.P.U.)

C.P.U. dived in 3 sections:-
(1) Memory
(2) Control unit (C.U)
(3) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

All those part which are used to given as hard copy or soft copy for user.

Ex,. Scanner, Printer
Output device:-
 Which part of computer is used to give piratical result it’s called ‘output device


printer is one type of output device. it used to print image, document.

Type of printer:-

*      Drum printer
*      Chain printer
*      Inject printer
*      Laser printer (low speed)
*      Laser printer (high speed)
*      Dot matrix printer.

Concepts of hardware and software :-

3) what is software?

     " we can see it but can not touch it's part of computer is called " computer software".

(A) Application software:-
          all those software which are used to by using
operating system it's called application software.

Ex. power point

(B) system software :-
          that type of software which are used to control all hardware parts and operating system it's called 'system software'.

Ex. Dos, Window.......

(4) What is hard ware?


  “We can touch it and we can see it those part of computer are called “computer hardware”.
Ex,. Monitor, printer, hard disk, mother board.

Computer data representation

  1 byte = 8 bit
  1 nibble = 4 bit
  1 byte = 1 character
  1 KB (kilobyte) = 1024 KB
  1 mg (mega byte) = 1024 KB
  1 GB (gigabyte) = 1024 terabyte.

  Types of memory:
    There are different types of memory available as figure shown below.

(1)   internal memory :-
There is two type of internal memory

(A)  RAM and
(B)   ROM
RAM stand for “random access memory.”

There is a different type of RAM size available
Ex,. 128 MB, 256 MB, 1 GB, 2GB etc……..

 RAM has a two type:-

(A)  SRAM and
(B)   DRAM

(A)SRAM Stand for “static random access memory” and

(B) DRAM Stand for “dynamic access memory.”
                                                ROM Stand for read only memory
ROM has a four type:- 
(A)  EROM:- erasable programmable read only memory 

(B)   PROM:-  programmable read only memory

(C)   EPROM:- erasable programmable read only memory

(D)  EEPROM:- electrically erasable programmable read only memory

(1)   External memory :-
External memory is used to data store. It is a large data that can be done by user and store in external memory

It is a very large data storage unit like hard disk DVD……
 Different types of external memory available…… 80 GB, 200 GB, and 500GB etc….

Hard disk:-

     Hard disk is a one type of storage devise that can be used to store data. It’s large storage device….

 Now we are starting our basic course as a MS office 2003

(5) What is MS office?
      Ms Office stands for Microsoft office. It is used to create a document, format and printing.

Version of MS office:-
              2000, 2003, 2007, 2013

  Storage device:-

*      What is pan drive?
Pan drive is one type of storage device which used to store data and we can also travel data one computer to another computer.

Pan drive plugged in USB port.

      *      What is CD?
CD stand compact disk. It is used to store data.

      *      What is DVD?
DVD stand digital versatile disk. It is to store data more than CD disk large information can be store DVD disk.

   *      What is USB?
USB is stand for universal serial bus. That can be plugged USB devise in this    
   Ex… key board, mouse…….

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